Rosacea vs. rosy skin. Rosy cheeks are considered to be a mark of beauty. In fact, women pay lots of money for a great blush and having perfectly rosy cheeks is a staple in the beauty community. Besides makeup, rosy facial skin is naturally caused when you release adrenaline. Your heart rate then increases and your blood vessels dilate to improve blood flow.
We call this blushing, and it happens all the time – during a great workout, at the site of a crush, after someone makes a comment that embarrasses you. But there are some marked differences between a lovely shade of cosmetic blush and natural blushing, and a skin condition known as rosacea.
This skin disorder affects more than 16 million people and often doesn’t show up until after age 30. It’s a disorder that creates rosy-looking facial skin just like makeup and adrenaline do, but the causes (and additional symptoms) are very different. It’s causes range from genetic predisposition and immune disorders to mites and nervous system issues.
So – besides the fact that blushing lasts for but a moment and rosacea typically lasts for years – how can you differentiate a common blush from this skin condition?
Rosacea & Thick Skin
In contrast to blushing, rosacea can build up extra tissue over time, thickening facial skin. This can lead to an enlarged nose – called rhinophyma – and bumpy, oily facial skin.
A Rosacea Complexion: Constant Redness, Acne & Visible Blood Vessels
Rosacea patients experience frequent bouts of breakouts. Types range from small, stubborn bumps to pimples containing pus. Usually, blackheads are not present. Swollen blood vessels also become visible, contributing to a persistent appearance of flushing.
Extra Sensitivity, Stinging & Swelling
Inflamed, itchy and stinging facial skin are other common symptoms of this skin disorder. This is another point of difference between the skin condition and a passing blush. Rosacea patients usually also experience heightened sensitivity to touch, light and other stimuli.
Irritated Eyes
Constantly red, dry and itchy eyes can be a first sign that you are developing this skin problem. If you have any of these symptoms, definitely see your dermatologist to get an official diagnosis. Also head over here for more great information and learn about available treatment options.
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